Tutorial: Generating a sequence logo plot

This document will walk through how to generate a frequency/probability-based logo plot from sequence data in the format of an input to ortho_seqs, using the logo-plot CLI command. The logo plot can provide information on the frequencies of nucleotides/amino acids present in your sequence dataset before running orthogonal-polynomial.

Logo plots are generated using the logomaker package in Python. More customization options exist (font, color schemes, etc) that are not (yet) implemented here.

1. Requirements for logo-plot

The sequence data, formatted as input to ortho_seqs. This can take the form of either:

  • .txt file: single file containing sequences, separated by line breaks.

  • .csv or .xlsx file: single file containing sequence data in the first column. Can (but doesn’t have to) contain phenotype data in the second column.

2. logo-plot flags:

logo-plot will require the following flags.


This will be the sequence data file, formatted as described in (1).


This is the molecule type. Should either be DNA, RNA, or protein. Default is DNA.


This is where you want the logo plot to be stored.

3. Running logo-plot:

You will run logo-plot in the CLI the same way you would run orthogonal-polynomial or rf1d-viz. The general format is:

ortho_seq logo-plot filename --molecule --out_dir

4. Guided example with test dataset:

The example uses the Sidhu dataset that has also been used in the other tutorials.

The sequence data that will be used for this example is called sidhu_insulin_cdrh3_seqs.xlsx. Given that this dataset is about proteins, our CLI input will be

ortho_seq logo-plot docs/source/sidhu_insulin_cdrh3_seqs.xlsx --molecule protein --out_dir docs/source/tutorial_outputs/

The saved figure will look like:
